WHY JAPAN? 5 Reasons to Invest in JAPAN
A trade promoting government agency, Japan External TRade Organization (JETRO) sums up five reasons for your company to invest in Japan:
- An Ever-growing Economy
- A Sophisticated Market
- An Innovation Hub
- Business-Friendly Infrastructure
- A Comfortable Living
A JETRO’s concise brochure give you further details with lots of country level statistics.
Once your company set its mind to Japan as a candidate country where it should expand business geographically, the next step is to assess market opportunities of Japan for your company.
Assessing your company’s market opportunities
Unlike country level statistics that JETRO has nicely assembled and briefed at its web site, assessing YOUR company’s market opportunities is not a simple task. It typically requires market research and intelligence at level of industries where your company is positioned.
There are a number of organizations that publish statistics at their internet sites and/or provide marketing consultation services at the industry or more granular levels. Popular sites providing cross-industry business statistics include the following. Obtaining statistics at these sites are basically free-of-charge, so that your company would want to look into these sites first, before considering fee liable market research services.
- Japanese government statistics
- Language: Japanese, English (bi-lingual)
- Encompassing country level data. Limited industry level data available.
Chouosa no Chikara (調査のチカラ)
- Collection of recent researches published on Internet
- Language: Japanese (mono-lingual)
- Quick access to recent researches, while taking time to search for researches n the past.
Keizai Report.com (経済レポート専門ニュース)
- Collection site of links to economic news releases
- Language: Japanese (mono-lingual)
- Quick access to recent researches, while taking time to search for researches n the past.